How to Write An Argumentative Essay

A student named Alexnder once lived in an occupied university town. Alexander, who was well-known for his wit and inventiveness, faced an impossible task that is write an argumentative essay.

One dreary afternoon, when the rain pattered against the window pane, Alexender sat at his disorganised desk and stared at a blank document on the computer screen. A 350–600 word argumentative essay on a topic of their choice was a daunting task. He sighed and made the decision to ask his mentor, Professor Mitchell, who was well-known for his love of writing, for assistance.

It felt like discovering a wealth of information when you walked into Professor Mitchell's office. There were bookcases lining every wall, sticky notes all over the place, and a slight smell of old manuscripts in the air. After inhaling deeply, Alex knocked on his door.

Professor Mitchell smiled warmly and said, "Ah, Alexender." "Why have you come here today?"

Alexander acknowledged that he had trouble writing the argumentative essay. Professor Mitchell acknowledged his worries and remarked, "Ah, the argumentative essay! Not to worry, let's examine it together. Alex inquired as he led her to the corner shelf,

"What Constitutes an Argumentative Essay?"

The professor quickly answered, “ An argumentative essay is a type of academic writing where the writer has to make a case for a particular argument or is actually advocating for one side of a contentious issue. Unlike the other types of essays, for instance, the narrative or even the descriptive essays, persuasive essays require you to provide a stand, evidence, and, most importantly, convince the audience regarding the correctness of your argument.

What makes a good argumentative speech is not simply that the writer puts forward his/her opinions, but there are facts to support his/her opinions. These essays also require an in-depth study of the selected subject and usually have three main sections: This will include an introduction, three points or arguments that have been elaborated under three numbered body paragraphs and a conclusion.

Continuing, he also noted that argumentation can be used in a broad spectrum of subjects thus proving the universality of the usage of argumentative essays. It is published in the field of humanities and social sciences and in a number of subjects that include history, political science, psychology, economics, science and technology, literature and philosophy.

Alexander then asked …..

When to write an Argumentative Essay?

He did not get the intended message and said, “So, Professor, you mean argumentative essays can be assigned in school but can also be used in other settings, such as in opinions or blog writing?” Argumentative essay topics include the following situations:

1. Academic Assignments for classes

To learn more about argumentative essays, you need to understand that argumentative essays may be assigned to students in high school or college by teachers. From the critical evaluation skills to the persuasive writing skills that are adopted by the learners, every student benefits.

2. Arguments and conversations

Argumentative essays help in provoking arguments and discussions in cases where they form part of the academic or competition nature. They also provide a systematic means from which to present your argument and provide evidence for your position.

3. Opinion pieces

Editorials or commentaries are common in newspapers, magazines and websites and present a view on a particular subject or topic in an attempt to persuade readers to have a specific view regarding such a subject or topic.

4. Proposals for policy

Okay, now let us define the function of an argumentative essay. In governmental and policy-related contexts, it is utilized to recommend specific policies and strategies for addressing social concerns.

5. Persuasive speeches

An argumentative kind of essay is generally written prior to expressing a persuasive speech in order to lay the foundation for it.

Basic requirements for any form or level of debate in argumentative essays include developing a thesis statement, supporting the thesis with factual, logical, and persuasion viewpoints, opposing view acknowledgement and a concluding section that brings into sharp focus the main points of the paper. You need to alter the way that listeners and readers think or, at the very least, have them consider your perspective on the matter.

He then further stated can you tell me some of the topics that I will choose for writing an argumentative essay.

Top argumentative essay topics

Listed below are several argumentative essay topics across various subjects to get you started:

Social Issues

  1. Should social media platforms enforce stricter regulations on misinformation?
  2. Is the concept of cancel culture beneficial or harmful to society?
  3. Should governments implement universal basic income?


  1. Should college education be free for everyone?
  2. Are standardized tests an accurate measure of student ability?
  3. Should schools incorporate more life skills and practical subjects into the curriculum?

Technology and Science

  1. Should artificial intelligence be regulated more strictly?
  2. Is the development of autonomous weapons ethically acceptable?
  3. Are the benefits of genetic engineering worth the ethical risks?


  1. Is climate change the greatest threat to humanity today?
  2. Should governments impose stricter regulations on plastic use?
  3. Is nuclear energy a viable solution to the energy crisis?


  1. Should healthcare be considered a universal human right?
  2. Is the anti-vaccination movement a threat to public health?
  3. Should euthanasia be legalized?

Ethics and Morality

  1. Is it ethical to consume meat?
  2. Should capital punishment be abolished?
  3. Is it moral to keep animals in zoos?

Media and Entertainment

  1. Does the media have a responsibility to be completely unbiased?
  2. Are reality TV shows more harmful than beneficial?
  3. Should violent video games be banned?

Business and Economics

  1. Should corporations have the same rights as individuals?
  2. Is the gig economy beneficial for workers?
  3. Should advertising to children be restricted?

Sure, here's a more detailed version of the tips for writing a compelling argumentative essay:

Pre-Writing Tips

1. Choose a Debatable Topic

Make sure that the topic is appropriate, and it is easy to find at least two opinions that can be considered as opposing ones.

The topic should be one that you are interested in and one on which you have little information or knowledge about at least. This will make the task of researching as well as writing more meaningful.

Make sure that it doesn’t cover vast territory or too specific an area of interest. It has to be concrete enough to enable the coverage of a topic in some depth, but at the same time it has to have enough scope in order to provide material for analysis.

 2. Conduct Thorough Research

All material used should be from peer-reviewed journals, books, credible news sources, and accredited websites. The observations gathered from the research process indicate that most scholarly sources are likely to be more credible than other sources of information.

Divide the notes according to the theme or the argument you are developing in your argumentative or persuasive paper. This will help in a way to track the elements of proof and where the proof leads within the overall paper.

Enumerate and explain the reliability and bias of each source. Finally, ensure that the statistics used are recent and that the sources do not have an obvious preference for one side or are not very credible.

3. A clear thesis statement

It should also be noted that this part has to contain a thesis statement that provides your position on the matter. It must be precise enough to help you develop the article and general enough to contain all key sections.

When formulating your thesis, avoid simply stating facts but make sure it covers areas of contention that research data and inferential analysis can back.

Structuring Your Essay

1. Introduction

Begin the article with an attractive introduction to catch the reader’s interest. This can either be in the form of a quote, a shocking figure that relates to your topic, a question that is likely to be on everyone’s lips or even experience, though summarized in a single sentence.

In order to fit this into the context of writing an academic assignment, one needs to first understand the nature of the problem at hand. If there are key definitions, historical background or general information that the reader needs in order to better appreciate the content of the piece, provide an explanation.

To conclude a paragraph or an entire essay, use your thesis statement. 

2. Body Paragraphs

In order to ensure that our writing is coherent and compelling, each body paragraph should address only one point that we’re arguing in support of our thesis statement.

All the text’s paragraphs should be initiated by the initial statement that reveals its subject matter. Further, you have to give them current information to be able to support your claim. Include as many references to facts and reliable sources as you can, refer to statistics, examples, quotations, data, and any other significant fact. 

Not only this , briefly describe how the evidence presented advances or strengthens the given argument or conclusion. This involves explanation – explaining how the data supports the thesis or argument you want to present.

To strengthen your argument, add a response to potential counterarguments to the point. In this section, explain the opposing argument and argue why the current position is true by providing counterarguments along with the facts, reasoning, and evidence.

It is also important to use transition words and phrases (for example, furthermore, however, therefore) so the ideas in your essay are not only sequential but they flow smoothly and explicitly from one point to the next as required.

3. Conclusion

In brief, the key arguments I have made in the essay involve the establishment of a detailed connection between the novel and its author, and backing up how they confirm my thesis statement.

Reaffirm your thesis in terms of arguments and evidence provided in support of your claim so as to justify your thesis statement.

Introduce the problem, show its prevalence, and present the consequences of not solving it and or the consequences of solving it. It is typically a statement that may be a direct appeal to the reader to take a certain action or a statement about the future with an emphasis on the conclusion that is made or even a question or quote that makes the reader contemplate.

Writing and Revising Tips

1. Be Clear and Concise

The first rule of writing is to avoid confusion – do not use meanings that are too complex, complicated, or ambiguous. Do not include any form of professionalism or technicality at this stage that may make it difficult for the reader to grasp what you are putting across.

So make certain that every sentence developed by you will bear the meaning that you want to put across. Avoid ambiguity and vagueness.

2. Maintain a Formal Tone

Writing is in an academic style, and a proper tone should be maintained throughout the paper. Do not use informally exposed language items: slang, colloquialisms, or contractions.

This means your strong arguments should be conveyed professionally and without any bias towards either side. DO NOT use slang, abbreviations and e-mail shorthand. AVOID words that interfere with the literal translation, such as Anger/Outrage/ Passion/Emotion/Enthusiasm/Prejudice/Bigotry/Anti/Antagonism/ Favor/Favoritism/etc.

3. Use Logical Reasoning

Make sure your observations are well-sequenced so that the arguments can unfold smoothly in a linear manner. Every point that you make must be directed naturally to another, and that transition should be well done.

Refrain from using informal fallacies like the ‘bandwagon,’ ‘slippery slope,’ ‘ad populum,’ ‘ad hominem,’ and ‘emotional appeal. ’ First of all, for reasoning, you should rely on pure logical thinking.

4. Edit and Proofread

It is also important to go back through your text and find any obvious grammatical, punctuation, and spelling mistakes. Some of the effects may reduce the professional outlook of the essay.

Check the respective sections of your essay for flow and the flow of ideas. Make sure that all your points are rationally connected and should bear a relation to your thesis statement.

In the case of citations and references, ensure that these are harmonized to the correct formatting features of the expected style guide (APA, MLA,Chicago, Etc. ).

 5. Seek Feedback

Is there a friend, teacher, or counsellor whose opinion you would trust? Have him or her read your essay. This can be with any of your classmates or your teacher or even with one of the tutors at the writing centre. Explaining what was meant to others who are not involved can help give a new way of looking at things and thereby help point out mistakes that were made.

By being receptive to suggestions, take the time to improve it where it is needed. This paper has demonstrated that feedback can be used to enhance the logic and make the points in a manner that is clearly understood.

6. Stay Objective

Only try to convince your reader; do not overemphasize your reader’s prepossession. When responding to counterarguments, respect the opinions of the person and proceed to explain why the approach is incorrect in a civil manner.

Always ensure to use accurate facts and figures as well as sound logic, without any undue influence of emotions or opinions.


In conclusion, an argumentative essay involves understanding the chosen topic, research, and organization of arguments in a logical manner. If you decide on a good topic, formulate a powerful thesis statement, and back up your opinion with facts, your readers will be captivated by your essay. Responding to the counterarguments and keeping formal when arguing helps in solidifying one’s stance.

To help students who face difficulties in writing essays, there are several tips available. Looking for assignment help online is useful as it can offer advice and help. Sometimes, you may be pressed for time or find it challenging to present your ideas coherently, in that case, you can always pay someone to do assignments and take assistance.

If you are looking for such services then you are landed on the right page. Grade Assignment Help is there to aid you. For those who are working in challenging fields such as computer science, the computer we offer programming assignment help that can be highly useful.

In conclusion, with the help of our experts, students can relieve stress and guarantee the quality of assignments, dedicating time to other important tasks and activities. Regardless of your purpose and needs, numerous opportunities will guide and assist you in achieving your academic goals.

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